Kafka Topics

The kafka topic is a category or a common name used to store and publish of stream of messages/data. Basically, data or messages stores in topics and messages are sent to specific topic and read from specific topic. Each topic has a name that should be unique across the entire Kafka cluster.

A topic can be splited into several parts which are known as the partitions of the topic. We need to specify the number of partitions while creating a topic. The message/data stored into a partition with an incremental id known as its Offset value.

  1. The kafka topic is a category used to store and publish of messages/data.

  2. Each topic has a name that should be unique across the entire Kafka cluster.

  3. A topic can be splited into several parts which are known as the partitions of the topic.

  4. We need to specify the number of partitions during creating a topic.

  5. The message stored into a partition with an id known as its Offset value.

Read this article of Create Topic in Command Prompt

Kafka Topic

Create Topic in Command Prompt

In the next topic, you will understand about Kafka Producer